My name is Pam Koerbel, and I am the founder of Post Abortion Ministries (P·A·M), a nonprofit Christ-centered literature and educational outreach which I directed from 1989-2001. During that time I taught post-abortion leadership workshops, spoke frequently at pro-life conferences and Christian women's retreats, and wrote numerous booklets and brochures addressing the trauma of abortion. My personal journey through abortion led me to write two books offering hope and encouragement to women who have had abortions: Abortion’s Second Victim and Does Anyone Else Feel Like I Do? And Other Questions Women Ask Following an Abortion (available online - see link at left).
I have decided to provide my writings free of charge through several websites. This website contains articles I wrote. To the left you will find a link to other websites containing books and Bible studies.
Always believe there is hope for healing, forgiveness, and new life in Jesus Christ.
Please honor copyright laws as shown on each web page. At this time none of Pam Koerbel’s writings may be distributed in hard copy or stored online unless written permission is shown on the particular website. None of her writings may be sold for any reason whatsoever.
Butterfly artwork by Sarah Madden.
Copyright 1990-2017 P J Koerbel. All Rights Reserved.